The effects of a changing society have crept into the classroom, as we witness a sea change in the behaviour of students. The challenges in front of a teacher have snowballed into a multi faceted task. This program will provide participants with an option of choosing from a repertoire of research driven strategies and ideas to institute an environment conducive to learning. This will also provide a framework for a successful organisation.
Course description
The module is divided into 12 sessions to be covered in 3 days. The topics covered are
1. Reality Therapy and Choice Theory (W. Glasser)
This will enable teachers to make positive choices by making clear connections between student behaviour and consequences.
2. Beyond Discipline (Alfie Kohn)
Kohns theory criticized extrinsic rewards and motivators and focused on curiosity and intrinsic rewards for learning. Teachers will be able to help students reflect on their own behaviour in a meaningful way and modify actions.
3. Re- enforcement and Motivation Theories.
Teachers will become sensitive to the motivational needs of students and try and provide a climate in which a learning community can develop.
4. Goals of misbehaviour
Based on the principle of human equality, and Adlers theory Drieker and Kohlberg have proposed that all misbehaviour is goal driven which may vary with circumstances. Knowledge of this theory will help teachers understand their learner and device appropriate intervention strategy.
5. Stages of discipline
(Discipline by design) by Kohlberg will apprise teachers of the various stages to self discipline .this will assist teachers to plan their supervision and discipline strategies.
6. Assertive Discipline
Canters theory will help a classroom teacher replace inertia and hostile behaviour with firm, positive insistence, to create a climate of positive support and care.
Course Objectives
The participants will understand
- and recognise the need for a meaningfully engaged classroom
- The effect of verbal and nonverbal communication on classroom behaviour
- And get acquainted with various theories on classroom management
- Various discipline strategies that befit a classroom situation.
- Various learning styles and needs arising due to diversity effecting the classroom environment.
The participant will be able to-
- Evaluate present level of classroom management skills
- Develop skills for effective communication
- Apply various theories in classroom situation to create a meaningfully engaged classroom.
- Know various goals of misbehaviour and do a root cause analysis for problems identified.
- Develop appropriate rules, procedures, and routines for the classroom
- Understand the importance of cooperative learning, learn how to make cooperative learning work, and learn how to structure a cooperative learning activity
- Understand different discipline stages and develop a model discipline plan by providing appropriate and timely interventions.
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