SelaQui International School has launched Empowerment Training program for teachers. TeacherSITY, a leading and perhaps the only reputed teacher training and empowerment Institution has been requested to conduct these programs on behalf of SelaQui.
Experience suggests that residential programs prove to be very effective and useful. Participating teachers not only spend time in working on projects and presentations collaboratively, they also learn from peers. At the end the programs imbue a life long learning value.
These programs are set in the context of the classrooms that participating teachers are familiar with. The case study method ensure that all learning transactions and capacity building remains CONTEXTUAL, EXPERIENTIAL and COLLABORATIVE.
The pre-program and post-program assignments associated with these programs ensure that teachers are able to take full advantage of time, energy and money spent on these programs.
For the present the following programs are on offer. Participating schools or teachers may register on line by clicking on register on line/apply on line and follow instructions as they proceed with registration/application.
You may also download registration form to fill up and send by courier accompanied with due payments to TeacherSITY.